In search of general theories

Potential Use of Pulse Oximetry for the Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion

13.05.2014 19:10

Potential Use of Pulse Oximetry for the Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion ONLINE FIRST

Hsiao-Wen Chen, MD1; Li-Chueh Weng, PhD2; Ta-Min Wang, MD1; Kwai-Fong Ng, MD3
JAMA Pediatr. Published online April 28, 2014. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.86
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Scrotal Doppler ultrasonography (scrotal US) has been commonly used for evaluating patients with suspected testicular torsion (TT).1,2 However, scrotal US is not available in all medical facilities. Comparatively, pulse oximetry is easily available at all institutions; it is used for monitoring pulse oximeter saturation (SpO2) with an accuracy equivalent to that of conventional arterial oxygen saturation (Sao2) and is the standard for noninvasive Sao2 monitoring in most medical facilities.3 We evaluated the SpO2 and pulse rate (PR) values on the scrotums of patients undergoing exploration for TT to determine whether these values are feasible for monitoring testicular viability in TT.

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