In search of general theories

la SINDROME DA X FRAGILE: nuovi studi sulle cause (e nuove speranze terapeutiche)

02.04.2014 09:04

la SINDROME DA X FRAGILE: nuovi studi sulle cause (e nuove speranze terapeutiche)

28.02.2014 17:25
  1. D. Colak, N. Zaninovic, M. S. Cohen, Z. Rosenwaks, W.-Y. Yang, J. Gerhardt, M. D. Disney, S. R. Jaffrey. Promoter-Bound Trinucleotide Repeat mRNA Drives Epigenetic Silencing in Fragile X SyndromeScience, 2014; 343 (6174): 1002 DOI: 10.1126/science.1245831
  2.  2014 Jan 22. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2013.311. [Epub ahead of print]
Fragile X syndrome due to a missense mutation.
Myrick LK1Nakamoto-Kinoshita M1Lindor NM2Kirmani S3Cheng X4Warren ST5.