In search of general theories

Astonishing news in medical technology!

08.04.2014 20:53
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

Apple's iWatch May Be Able To Keep Your Skin Safe From The Sun

Apple's iWatch May Be Able To Keep Your Skin Safe From The Sun | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Apple may include UV sensors in its iWatch to protect you from getting too much sun, according to one analyst.
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To spark cancer discoveries, several Big Pharma companies are sharing idle clinical trial data

To spark cancer discoveries, several Big Pharma companies are sharing idle clinical trial data | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Sanofi, Pfizer, J&J and AstraZeneca are among Big Pharma companies sharing cancer clinical trial data on the new Project Data Sphere platform.
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Maladies chroniques et Education Thérapeutique!

Nearly three-quarters of prescription-takers use mobile apps, including most older adults and seniors

Nearly three-quarters of prescription-takers use mobile apps, including most older adults and seniors | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |

Most patients taking prescription medicine (72%) also use mobile apps (Android smartphone, iPhone, Android tablet, iPad, or Kindle Fire),

Mobile app adoption rates are high across all medication-taking adult age groups: 93% (age 18-24), 90% (age 25-34), 88% (age 35-44), 80% (age 45-54), 66% (age 55-64), and 50% (age 65+),

App-using patients prefer the privacy-protected single app Mobile Health Library (MHL) system (by a factor of 11 to 1) over email programs often offered by medication manufacturers.  This high preference for a privacy-protected single app, customized to a user's needs for medication education and support services, was observed across all adult age groups.

Via Alex ButlerCoralie Bouillot
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Forget the iWatch. 10 Examples of Next Generation Body Sensors

Forget the iWatch. 10 Examples of Next Generation Body Sensors | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Tim Cook is right. The sensor field is exploding and Apple itself has made a number of strategic hires and acquisitions in the field to ...
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3 mHealth startups that might make a difference | mHealthNews

3 mHealth startups that might make a difference | mHealthNews | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

From quantified self to connected self | mHealthNews

From quantified self to connected self | mHealthNews | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

iPhone attachment allows doctors to view the front and back of an eye

iPhone attachment allows doctors to view the front and back of an eye | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Researchers have developed two low cost adaptors that allow smartphones to capture high-resolution images of the front and back of an eye.
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Rx Disruption: Technology Trends in Medicine and Health Care | World Future Society

Rx Disruption: Technology Trends in Medicine and Health Care | World Future Society | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Is the world of health digital becoming? Yes, it is! by Pharmacomptoir!

A doctor's prescription for social media

A doctor's prescription for social media | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |

"As an experiment,  I immersed myself in social media for the past three months.  I started this blog, joined Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, bought a domain name, and posted on Facebook for the first time in years.


Even within this short period of time, I reaped tangible benefits: I interacted with top physicians from across the world, kept up with the  medical literature, participated in discussions with patients about how how rheumatic diseases affect their lives, joined webinars about improving the patient experience, and provided educational information to physicians and patients about autoinflammatory diseases, my clinical interest.


Social media has changed the way that I think about and practice medicine, and it’s only been a few months"

Via Andrew SpongeMedTodayPharmacomptoir / Corinne Thuderoz
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A 'wearable' for wheelchairs to prevent pressure ulcers

A 'wearable' for wheelchairs to prevent pressure ulcers | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Sensors for the wheelchair and a corresponding app were designed to let wheelchair users monitor their sitting habits to avoid developing pressure ulcers.
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Stick-on electronic patches for health monitoring (w/video)

Stick-on electronic patches for health monitoring (w/video) | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |

Thin, soft stick-on patches that stretch and move with the skin incorporate commercial, off-the-shelf chip-based electronics for sophisticated wireless
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The New Chief Patient Officer | Health Populi

The New Chief Patient Officer | Health Populi | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

Health at Google talk by Dr Eric Topol

Health at Google talk by Dr Eric Topol | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Watching another great talk by Dr Eric Topol MD (this time at Google's office) and something struck me about a striking difference between the way Doctors talk about and understand the internet and...
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Patients want more services, online outreach from pharma | mobihealthnews

Patients want more services, online outreach from pharma | mobihealthnews | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

3D printer used to make iPhone case that functions as stethoscope

3D printer used to make iPhone case that functions as stethoscope | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 15 year old Suman Mulumudi decided to create an iPhone case that could be used as a stethoscope to measure and record heart beats.
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A Gold Gadget That Would Let You Stop Heart Attacks With a Smartphone

A Gold Gadget That Would Let You Stop Heart Attacks With a Smartphone | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
(ED NOTE: Wow, combining 3d Printing tech, with Nanotechnology, and the power of the Smartphone) 

April 1, 2014 
A lightweight new cardiac
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20 billion agents: Tech is evolving the digital human

20 billion agents: Tech is evolving the digital human | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 "These value chains will become autonomous and independent of human intervention based on these smart network agents."
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Doctors 2.0 & You!

Why Paper Prescriptions Are Going The Way Of Snail Mail #doctors20

Why Paper Prescriptions Are Going The Way Of Snail Mail #doctors20 | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Charlie is like a lot of my patients. He's in his late 50s, weighs a little too much and his cholesterol and blood pressure are both too high. To


Via Denise Silber
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Mobile Health: How Mobile Phones Support Health Care!

Can Mobile Technology Cut Health Costs?

Can Mobile Technology Cut Health Costs? | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |

Mobile technology could vastly improve access to health care services and lower costs, but policymakers aren't taking the right steps to incorporate technology into care, a new report concludes.

Researchers at the Brookings Institution studied China and the United States—two countries that face similar challenges in reducing health care costs due to aging populations and are looking at mobile technology as part of the solution, said Darrell West, founding director of the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings.

Among the barriers to widespread use of mobile health technology in China and the United States is the fact that physicians don't get reimbursed for using the technology to deliver care. Also, developers are unclear about the rules and regulations surrounding mobile health applications, which limits innovation.

"There's a chicken-and-an-egg problem," said West, who was also a coauthor of the report. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services "doesn't want to reimburse until there are demonstrable benefits, but it's hard to demonstrate until it's adopted," he said. "And mobile health won't be widely adopted until there's reimbursement."

Mobile health has the potential to dramatically impact the health care market in part because the technology has become widely available worldwide. The number of mobile Internet subscribers has skyrocketed from 2.3 billion in 2008 to 3.4 billion in 2013, and it's expected to surpass 3.9 billion by 2017, according to a GSMA Wireless Intelligence report.

Among the benefits of mobile health listed in the report are that it can provide rural populations with access to urban specialists, reduce inefficiencies and errors in prescriptions and medical testing, help physicians remotely monitor patients with chronic illnesses, and remind patients about appointments and taking their medicine.

Research about how mobile technology improves patient outcomes is ongoing, West said, but early findings look promising.

"What people are finding is that patients pay closer attention to their health when they're wearing a device knowing that their vital signs are going directly to their doctor," West said. "You get a preventive health benefit, and doctors get real-time data to make proactive decisions about treatment."

Increased technology use, the researchers say, will also empower policymakers to make better decisions about health care—what works and what improves costs—by giving them more information about population health.

"We think there are tremendous opportunities in mobile health in terms of improving the patient experience and controlling costs," West said. "When you get people using mobile health, it creates the possibility of doing data analysis that helps us answer basic questions about health care."

China and the U.S. are two countries where health costs have spiraled out of control, underlining the need for innovation to rein in spending. Annual health spending in China has grown from 4.55 percent of the nation's gross domestic product in 2006 to 5.15 percent in 2011, according to government figures. Health spending in the United States is projected to rise from 16.2 percent of GDP in 2006 to 19.6 percent in 2021, according to the Health and Human Services Department.

Aging populations account for much of the growth. By 2050, 20 percent of the U.S. population and 33.3 percent of China's population will be over 65, researchers anticipate.

The rise in the two nations' elderly populations has been accompanied by a rise in the number of people suffering from chronic illnesses. Some 260 million people are diagnosed with chronic illnesses in China each year, according to government figures, accounting for 70 percent of overall costs. The U.S. also struggles with the cost of chronic care, amounting to about 75 percent of overall health care costs, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Both countries also wrestle with disparities in access to care, especially with rural and low-income populations. Rural areas have fewer medical personnel per capita, a problem that could easily be solved by allowing rural patients access to urban doctors through video conferencing and other remote monitoring technologies, the report says.

Via eMedTodayLionel Reichardt / le Pharmageekdbtmobile
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Quantified Self, Data Science, Digital Health, Personal Analytics, Big Data!

Forget wristbands, the future of health tracking is skin-mounted, say scientists

Forget wristbands, the future of health tracking is skin-mounted, say scientists | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Stretchy skin patches with off-the-shelf tiny sensors, circuits, radios, and power supplies floating in microfluids offer effective, cheap, comfortable wireless health tracking.

Via Tictrac
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Healthcare, Social Media, Digital Health & Innovations!

Twitter is your new migraine doctor!

Twitter is your new migraine doctor! | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |

Deciphering 21,741 tweets, researchers have found that 74% women shared a real-time migraine attack on twitter, followed by 17% men.


The higher global peak of migraine tweets occurred Mondays at 14:00 GMT or 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, the study said.


It indicates a growing trend toward the cathartic sharing of physical pain as well as emotional pain on social media.


"As technology and language evolve, so does the way we share our suffering. It is the first known study to show the instant and broad impact of migraine attacks on modern patients' lives by decoding manually each one of their individual attack-related tweets," explained Alexandre DaSilva, an assistant professor at University of Michigan's school of dentistry.


During the study, DaSilva's team eliminated advertising, metaphor and nonrelated migraine tweets.


Further, they analysed the meaning of each individual migraine tweet.


"We sought to evaluate the instant expression of actual self-reported migraine attacks in social media," DaSilva noted.


The US accounted for 58% of migraine tweets followed by Europe at 20%.

Roughly 44% of tweets reported that migraine attacks immediately impacted mood.


The most common migraine descriptors were "worst" at nearly 15% and "massive" at 8%.


Results generated unique information about who suffers from migraines and what, how, where and when they use social media to describe their pain.


Read at:

Via Parag Vora
Rescooped by Celine Sportisse from Pharmabook!

Five Things to Consider Before You Download that Health App

Five Things to Consider Before You Download that Health App | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
 Health apps can be a wonderful addition to your healthcare toolkit – as long as you take a few things into consideration before you click on the license agreement, and tap that download button.

Via Philippe Loizon
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Pharma Marketing Blog: FDA Launches Social Media Educational Initiative for Pharma

Pharma Marketing Blog: FDA Launches Social Media Educational Initiative for Pharma | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Scooped by Celine Sportisse!

Mayo Research Shows Cardiac Rehab Patients Who Use Smartphone App Recover Better

Mayo Research Shows Cardiac Rehab Patients Who Use Smartphone App Recover Better | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |
Mayo Clinic News Network 
American College of Cardiology 
April 4, 2014 
Washington — March 29, 2014 — Patients who attended cardiac rehabilitation and
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Philips Lifeline launches home-based cellular PERS, mPERS still to come | mobihealthnews

Philips Lifeline launches home-based cellular PERS, mPERS still to come | mobihealthnews | SoLoMo Health: eHealth, mHealth, Health & Social Media, Digital Health, Telehealth, Quantified Self, Wearable Tech |