In search of general theories

3D Printed Mask

13.05.2014 14:55

URME Creepy But Cool 3D Printed Mask to Throw off Surveillance Cameras

This is incredible, both in a creepy and cool way. Leo Selvaggio has come up with URME Surveillance which uses stereolithography to 3D print resin cured masks of himself. Those masks can be printed out by anyone and worn in public places so that surveillance cameras can no longer track them. He is trying to raise $1000 on Indiegogo for this idea, of which over half has already been raised. If you are interested you can help him out here:
The idea certainly is an interesting one, one which I'm sure has certain security personnel a bit scared. Having said this, I guy we all have rights to our own privacy. Check out some of the images below of the 3D printed masked modelled after Selvaggio's own face. Any opinions?

Last edited by Maggie; 05-09-2014 at 04:57 PM.