In search of general theories

1922 ‘Facts of Motherhood’ pamphlet offers intriguing tips

08.04.2014 21:55

1922 ‘Facts of Motherhood’ pamphlet offers intriguing tips

Leah Speer

posted: March 29, 2014, 6:48 am

in: Baby, Big Kid, Getting Pregnant, Pregnant, Preschooler,Toddler, You and Your Family, Me & My Kids, Mom Stories



My husband’s uncle has been shipping us various treasures from his grandmother’s home after she passed away aphoto 5 150x150 1922 Facts of Motherhood pamphlet offers intriguing tips few months ago.  One item I found particularly fascinating is a “Facts of Motherhood” pamphlet from 1922 printed by the Bureau Public Health Education in New York City.

The pamphlet begins with “The one AIM of this pamphlet is to SAVE THE BABIES.”

Here are some of the recommendations:


  • Signs of pregnancy “being-in-a-family way” – The first and most natural question of the young woman is, “How does pregnancy manifest itself?”
  • There can be little doubt that many puny, unhealthy youngsters, wailing sickly crying children, did not get their right sort of nutrition during the pre-birth period.
  • Tea and crackers will not make milk.
  • Advise the mother to eat slowly, to chew her food carefully and above all to refrain from worry or excitement.
  • Fresh air is necessary for both mother and child and therefore rest in the open air is desired.
  • There is a tradition that if mothers eat much the baby will be large and difficulty experienced at birth. This is positively untrue.
  • Exercise in the air is better than medicine.



  • Few people have the necessary patience or fortitude to properly train babies and that is one of the reasons for much of the unhappiness of homes.
  • Surround the mother with things that interest her. She is entitled now to all the pleasures possible.
  • The mother should try to get 8 hours sleep daily.
  • Plenty of sunshine is highly desirable.
  • If the infant cries much, boiled and cooled water–unsweetened–should be given.
  • It is the custom of some lazy folks to feed the infant at this time sweetened water or weak tea, but this is wrong.


Reasons why a mother should nurse her baby:

  • Breast milk is always ready and is never sour.
  • Breast milk is free from dirt, germs and the flies cannot get at it.
  • Breast fed babies are healthiest. One breast fed baby dies to ten bottle fed.
  • Breast milk is nature’s method and was intended for the baby.



  • The breasts and nipples should be kept clean, and especially when the breasts are pendulous, should be well powdered underneath several times a day.
  • A quiet state of mind is essential for all nursing mothers, and this matter cannot be given too much importance. Nothing will interfere so completely with the secretion of milk as an overwrought nervous condition.
  • There are no particular rules for this form of diet.  Each baby is a rule unto itself.
  • The baby should not be put to the breast for 5 or 6 hours after birth.


Things which are bad for all babies:

  • Colic rememdies of gin or whiskey
  • Dirty nipples
  • Rubber or water proof diapers
  • Thumb sucking
  • Pacifiers
  • Moving picture shows
  • Violent rocking, screaming near face or ears
  • Kissing baby in the mouth–either by home folks or by others.
  • Allowing anyone with consumption (tuberculosis) to take care of the baby.


General Care of Baby:

  • Never buy milk from the milkman by leaving a pitcher out of doors for the milkman to fill. it is exposed to dust and dirt and insects which may breed disease.
  • Tea, coffee, wine, cider, beer, soda water, cocoa and candy should never be given to a young infant.
  • After nine months of age give squeezed beef juice, beef tea, or plain mutton or chicken broth once a day.
  • Bathe the baby morning and evening and on hot days in the middle of the day.
  • The baby needs an abundance of fresh air. Keep out of doors as much as possible.
  • The trained child stands out in a group like a thoroughbred does among a bunch of runts.
  • Baby’s health, growth, development, and future happiness depends up on father and mother.  Mostly on mother.