In search of general theories

Archivio articoli

Article Ceftriaxone and Acute Renal Failure in Children Ning Li, MDa,  Xuefeng Zhou, MDa,  Jiyan Yuan, MDa,  Guiying Chen, MDb,  Hongliang Jiang, MDb, and  Wen Zhang, MDa +Author Affiliations aDepartment of Pediatric Surgery,...
Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett Esophagus With Confirmed Low-Grade Dysplasia Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD1 [+] Author Affiliations JAMA. 2014;311(12):1205-1206. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.2512. Text...
One map sums up the damage caused by the anti-vaccination movement January 24, 2014 | by Lisa Winter photo credit: Council on Foreign Relations Share449K Tweet1.6K 255 Reddit43 832 Vaccinations are one of the of most incredible aspects of modern...

Ebola epidemic spreading

02.04.2014 16:23
#Guinea racing to contain #Ebola epidemic spreading from its southern forests to #Conakry … Visualizza...
    This graphic shows the procedural steps of the sutureless bioprosthesis. A, Sutureless bioprosthesis ready for compression. B, Compressed valve ready to be inserted in the trocar. C, Sutureless bioprosthesis passage through the main...
Scientists confirm link between missing DNA and birth defects by Katherine Unger Baillie     Jeremy Wang (far left) and Jian Zhou of Penn Vet led the study In 2010, scientists in Italy reported that a woman and her daughter showed a puzzling array of disabilities, including...
  Wednesday 12 March 2014 - 12am PST     Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology Pediatrics / Children's Health   add your...
  By Bahar Gholipour, Staff Writer   |   March 11, 2014 12:51pm ET   One woman's uncommon ability to fight her HIV infection may provide new insights for developing a vaccine that triggers a special immune response against the viral disease, researchers...
    Wednesday 12 March 2014 - 1am PST       Rett Syndrome: Mecasermin (rh-IGF-1) treatment is safe and well-tolerated Public / Patient:1 2 3 4 51 rating Health Professionals:1 2 3 4 50 ratings The results from Boston Children's Hospital's Phase 1 human...
  Microbes help to battle infection Credit: California Institute of Technology The human relationship with microbial life is complicated. At almost any supermarket, you can pick up both antibacterial soap and probiotic yogurt during the same shopping trip. Although there are types of...
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