In search of general theories

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  Vibration may help heal chronic wounds This is a photo of Eileen Weinheimer-Haus, first author, and Timothy Koh, principal investigator. Credit: Roberta Dupuis-Devlin/University of Illinois at Chicago Wounds may heal more quickly if exposed to low-intensity vibration, report...
Ictus cerebrale  Urbino (Simeup): “Riguarda anche i bambini, fondamentali i Protocolli per gestione urgenza”   L’ictus cerebrale costituisce una causa di morte anche in età pediatrica. Eppure per anni è stata una patologia poco conosciuta e riferita tipicamente al mondo dell’adulto....
NEWS AND FEATURES Copyright © 2014, The American Academy of Pediatrics What pediatricians need to know about new low calorie/low protein formulas Frank R. Greer, M.D., FAAP and Steven A. Abrams, M.D., FAAP Infant formulas with lower energy density and lower protein content than those...
Medscape Medical News Study Links Muscle Strength to Teenagers' Heart Health Larry Hand March 31, 2014 Comment Print EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Exercise Helps Regulate Insulin in Children and Teenagers Exercise More Important Than Diet in Children's Body Fat Regular Exercise...
Neurobiologists find chronic stress in early life causes anxiety, aggression in adulthood In experiments to assess the impacts of social stress upon adolescent mice, both at the time they are experienced and during adulthood, a Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory team conducted many different kinds...
Newborn screening: should whole genome sequencing be introduced?   Thursday 27 March 2014 - 12am PST     GeneticsPediatrics / Children's HealthMedical Devices / Diagnosticsadd your opinionemailMNT ChoiceAcademic Journal     Add your rating Current...
Non solo Placebo: la neurobiologia degli effetti da prodotti inerti AIFA Editorial 26/03/2014 Negli ultimi 15 anni gli studi sull’effetto placebo (1) si sono intensificati, anche grazie...
The best parents don't try to score top marks   25 March 2014 by Simon Ings Magazine issue 2961. Subscribe and save For similar stories, visit the Books and Art Topic Guide Book information Parentology: Everything you wanted to know about the science of raising children but were...
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