In search of general theories

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BMC Gastroenterology Antibiotic Exposure in Pregnancy and Risk of Coeliac Disease in Offspring A Cohort Study Karl Mårild, Johnny Ludvigsson, Yolanda Sanz, Jonas F LudvigssonDisclosures BMC Gastroenterol. 2014;14(75)    Abstract   Background. The infant microbiota...
  No extra mutations in modified stem cells, study finds The new study shows that gene-editing technologies are specific to their targets and do not introduce harmful mutations, clearing the way for the development of safe therapies in the clinic. The left panel shows misshapen nuclear...
In child trauma patients, immune function predicts infection risk   Saturday 12 July 2014 - 12am PST     Researchers studying critically ill children with traumatic injuries have identified an immune marker that predicts which patients are likely to develop a...
Spoonfuls can lead to medicine errors, study finds by Lindsey Tanner A study says using spoons as measurements for medicine can lead to potentially dangerous dosing mistakes.     The results, published online Monday in Pediatrics, underscore recommendations that droppers and...
NATURE MEDICINE | TECHNICAL REPORT   A plasmonic chip for biomarker discovery and diagnosis of type 1 diabetes   Bo Zhang, Rajiv B Kumar, Hongjie Dai & Brian J Feldman AffiliationsContributionsCorresponding authors Nature Medicine (2014) doi:10.1038/nm.3619 Received...
Sanofi dengue vaccine 89 percent effective on hemorrhagic fever By Rhodi Lee, Tech Times | July 13, 6:20  DengueAn experimental vaccine developed by Sanofi significantly reduces risks of the severe form of dengue which could lead to hospitalizations and...
SIMULAZIONE DI CERVELLO (BRAIN SIMULATOR), in italian       BRAIN SIMULATION: Look at the Excel Sheet         INTRODUZIONE       1)     In natura, ai nostri fini è sufficiente...
THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MULTISENSORY NEURONS       Arturo Tozzi MD, PhD, ASL Napoli 2 Nord, Napoli, Italy   ABSTRACT Recent advances in neuronal multisensory integration shed new light on questions concerning the...
A theory of knowledge (in italian) I MECCANISMI CEREBRALI CHE TI CONSENTONO DI FORMULARE UNA DIAGNOSI   Come funziona il tuo cervello di pediatra davanti ad un bambino malato? a cosa pensi? quali parti del tuo cervello si attivano, ed in quale ordine?  Le più recenti scoperte...
DEBITI:   Leibnitz   Berkeley   Fichte (in Lenin 81)   Darwin   Lotze Hermann   Herbarth   Von Humboldt (linguista)   Steinthal   Spencer (principle of biology (1864-7)   Roberto Ardigò (la psicologia come scienza positiva) (1875)   Taylor...
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