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Medscape Internal Medicine > Medicine Matters Multivitamins: Time to Just Say No? Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MDDisclosures April 08, 2014     Hello. I'm Dr. Sandra Fryhofer. Welcome to Medicine Matters. The topic: multivitamins, help or harm? There are 2 original...

New vaccine hope for CMV

11.04.2014 10:28
  New vaccine hope for leading viral cause of birth defects (Medical Xpress)—Experts in infection and immunity have made a path-finding discovery that could lead to the development of a vaccine for a health-ravaging virus that affects around 50% of adults in the...
Researchers find that influenza has an Achilles' heel Flu epidemics cause up to half a million deaths worldwide each year, and emerging strains continually threaten to spread to humans and cause even deadlier pandemics. A study published by Cell Press on April 10 in the journal Immunity reveals...
Medscape Pediatrics > Viewpoints Pulse Oximetry in Children: How Accurate Is It, Really? William T. Basco, Jr., MD, MSDisclosures March 26, 2014 12 comments PrintEmail EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Pulse Oximetry and Congenital Heart Disease in Newborns Pulse Oximetry Less Accurate...
Reuters Health Information Azithromycin Eye Drops Effective for Purulent Bacterial Conjunctivitis in Children By Will Boggs MD March 31, 2014 Comment PrintEmail EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinitis and Conjunctivitis Contact Lenses in Kids: Best...
Medscape Medical News Probiotics No Help for Colicky Infants Lara C. Pullen, PhD April 01, 2014     Treatment of infants with Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 did not improve symptoms of colic in a recent study. These results contrast with the results of previous smaller...
Medscape Medical News E-Cigarette-Related Poison Center Calls Surge Laird Harrison April 03, 2014 29 comments PrintEmail EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Tobacco Industry 'On the Run': But E-cigs Opening a Door? e-Cigs' Promise as Effective Quitting Tool Up in Smoke Senators Slam...
Mayo Clinic > Trending Topics Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: Symptom-Free Is Not Risk-Free Bernard J Gersh, MBChB, DPhil, Bryan C Cannon, MDDisclosures March 31, 2014   3 comments PrintEmail EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Tall R Waves in the Right Precordial Leads Paediatric...
Researchers discover how the kissing disease virus hijacks human cells University of Montreal researchers have discovered how a component of the Epstein Barr (EBV) virus takes over our cells gene regulating machinery, allowing the virus to replicate itself. The EBV virus causes a variety of...
Prevalence and Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Children in the United States, 1999-2012  ONLINE FIRST Asheley Cockrell Skinner, PhD1; Joseph A. Skelton, MD, MS2,3 [+] Author Affiliations   Importance  Childhood obesity is the focus of public health efforts and...
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