In search of general theories

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The Guardian view on the end of the peer review Nature and the BMJ, like all serious scientific journals, rely on peer review to establish the authority of the papers they publish, and peer review, it appears, is less reliable than it sounds     The Guardian, Sunday 6 July 2014...
Medscape Medical News > Conference News Infant Colic May Be Early Migraine Pauline Anderson July 03, 2014   LOS ANGELES — There is growing evidence that infant colic is a type of migraine headache.   The results of a new meta-analysis linking the 2 conditions suggest...
Childhood rotavirus cases drop by 69% since vaccine introduction in the UK   Monday 14 July 2014 - 2am PST   Immune System / VaccinesInfectious Diseases / Bacteria / VirusesGastroIntestinal / GastroenterologyPediatrics / Children's Healthadd your opinionemail   Ratings...
Rethinking antimicrobial prophylaxis for UTI By: STEPHEN I PELTON, M.D. JULY 11, 2014 The RIVUR [Randomized Intervention for Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux] trial investigators set out to reevaluate the role of antimicrobial prophylaxis for the prevention of recurrences in children with...
Smart Patients: Harnessing the Exponential Power of Patient Microexperts July 2, 2014 at 12:37 pm by Bonnie Feldman in Innovation/innovative companies, IT, Technology in healthcare Tweet Share Share   Roni Ziegler, MD,...
New urinary test can predict preterm birth and poor fetal growth   Saturday 12 July 2014 - 12am PST   Pregnancy / ObstetricsPediatrics / Children's HealthMedical Devices / Diagnosticsadd your opinionemailMNT Choice   A new, non-invasive test could be used in early...
Medscape Business of Medicine How e-Prescribing Can Land You in Court Ronald B. Sterling, MBADisclosures July 10, 2014 1 comment PrintEmail EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS Doctors Are Talking: EHRs Destroy the Patient Encounter Doctors' 10 Biggest Mistakes When Using EHRs Malpractice...
A new genome editing method brings the possibility of gene therapies closer to reality Researchers from Salk Institute for Biological Studies, BGI, and other institutes for the first time evaluated the safety and reliability of the existing targeted gene correction technologies, and...
New compound treats both retinitis pigmentosa and diabetes in animal studies In a new study led by UC San Francisco (UCSF) scientists, a chemical compound designed to precisely target part of a crucial cellular quality-control network provided significant protection, in rats and mice, against...
J Clin Invest. doi:10.1172/JCI75436.  Copyright © 2014, The American Society for Clinical Investigation. Research Article   Pediatric Crohn disease patients exhibit specific ileal transcriptome and microbiome signature Yael Haberman1, Timothy L. Tickle2,3, Phillip J. Dexheimer4,...
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