In search of general theories

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CDC: Don't take influenza B lightly in adults Filed Under: Influenza, General Lisa Schnirring | Staff Writer | CIDRAP News  | May 05, 2014   Though overall US flu activity is declining, a second wave of influenza B is continuing to sicken people, especially in northeastern...
  Having eczema may reduce your risk of skin cancer This is a cross-section of mouse skin tumor. Credit: King's College London Eczema caused by defects in the skin could reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, according to new research by King's College London. The immune response...
Immune cells outsmart bacterial infection by dying, study shows A new study led by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine has painted a clearer picture of the delicate arms race between the human immune system and a pathogen that seeks to infect and kill...
Scientists unmask a piece in the puzzle of how the inheritance of traumas is mediated Hereditary trauma The consequences of traumatic experiences can be passed on from one generation to the next. Credit: Isabelle Mansuy / UZH / ETH Zurich The phenomenon has long been known in psychology:...
Dal medico senza andare all'ambulatorio, presto la visita sarà su Skype   ultimo aggiornamento: 29 aprile, ore 12:57 Roma - (Adnkronos) - Cambia il rapporto tra camice bianco e paziente. Siglata intesa governo-Regioni: la prestazione sanitaria 'teleguidata' non sostituisce quella...
Potential Use of Pulse Oximetry for the Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion ONLINE FIRST Hsiao-Wen Chen, MD1; Li-Chueh Weng, PhD2; Ta-Min Wang, MD1; Kwai-Fong Ng, MD3 [+] Author Affiliations JAMA Pediatr. Published online April 28,...
Low rate of cholesterol testing for children and adolescents   Monday 5 May 2014 - 2am PST     Although some guidelines recommend lipid screening for children and adolescents of certain ages, data indicate that only about 3 percent are having their cholesterol tested...
Dietary diversity may be lacking for many heavily breastfed infants   Wednesday 7 May 2014 - 12am PST       Approximately three of every four Cincinnati infants heavily breastfeed after the age of six months is not obtaining the level of dietary diversity...
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