In search of general theories

Archivio articoli

Science 9 May 2014:  Vol. 344 no. 6184 pp. 588-589  DOI: 10.1126/science.1254990 PERSPECTIVE AIDS/HIV Host Controls of HIV Neutralizing Antibodies Barton F. Haynes, Laurent Verkoczy + Author Affiliations   Duke Human Vaccine Institute, Departments of Medicine,...
May 14, 2014 To curb hepatitis C, test and treat inmates   Electron micrographs of hepatitis C virus purified from cell culture. Scale bar is 50 nanometers. Credit: Center for the Study of Hepatitis C, The Rockefeller University. Problematic as it is for society, the high...
Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):e910-6. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-2880. Epub 2014 Mar 31. Clinical phenotype of scabies by age. Boralevi F1, Diallo A, Miquel J, Guerin-Moreau M, Bessis D, Chiavérini C, Plantin P, Hubiche T, Maruani A, Lassalle M, Boursault L, Ezzedine K; Groupe de Recherche Clinique...
Original article Mycobacterium tuberculosis persistence in various adipose depots of infected mice and the effect of anti-tubercular therapy Pooja Agarwala, Shaheb R. Khana, Subash C. Vermaa, Muheeb Begb, Kavita Singhc, Kalyan Mitrac, e, Anil N. Gaikwadb, e, Sohail Akhtard, e, Manju Y....
Hypovitaminosis D Linked to Tuberculosis Infection in Children | May 09, 2014   FRIDAY, May 9, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Hypovitaminosis D is associated with tuberculosis infection in children, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric...
The role of ventilation in preventing tuberculosis transmission   Sunday 11 May 2014 - 12am PST   TuberculosisWater - Air Quality / AgriculturePediatrics / Children's Healthadd your opinionemail     Scientists studying the role of room ventilation in tuberculosis...
GEN News HighlightsMore » May 13, 2014 Humans, Pets Share Companionship, MRSA Bacteria Kevin Mayer While folklore has it that humans and their pets tend to look alike, scientists have been finding deeper and even somewhat unsettling resemblances. Of particular concern are epidemiological...
  Scientists show AIDS vaccine could work against changeable site on HIV The HIV virus is densely covered with sugar molecules, which typically protect it from antibodies Credit: C. Bickel/Science Translational Medicine A vaccine or other therapy directed at a single site on a surface...
May 7, 2014   by Marla Vacek Broadfoot   Researchers pursuing powdered nasal vaccine against West Nile A radioactive tracer shows initial delivery of a liquid vaccine against West Nile Virus that has been squirted into the nose of a rabbit. The rabbit's larger nasal cavity is a...
Azioni utente  Following Rocco Russo‏@RocRus1 Congresso ESPID 2014: sperimentata su animali nuova generazione di vaccino antipneumococcico a base di nanoparticelle...
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